Inner Universe

Hello and welcome to Inner Universe!


My Artwork, featuring original works and varying fandoms.


Hello, my name is Cheetah Smith! Welcome to Inner Universe.This is my personal site featuring my art and stuff, and other nerdy things I like.I have 20+ years of art, writing and fandom experience under my belt as a Hobbyist, a Student, and as a Professional. I've seen it all through thick, thin and everything in-between. After all was said and done, I'm happy to carve out my own little niche in the Fandom-sphere and enjoy the cool things I like.As for my personal works, I've been out of the loop in terms of my art and my writing for a very long while. It is now time to revive myself, so to speak!Hope y'all have enjoyed your visit!

Current Fandoms: FFXIV RP, D&D 5eLong-Time Fandoms: Legend of Mana/Seiken Densetsu, Dragon's Dogma, Dark Cloud/Dark Chronicle, Dragon Age, Soulsborne, Pretty Much Whatever Catches My Fancy


Currently, my big fandom right now is the FFXIV RP Community, and I've spent close to 7 years participating in this particular fandom.I do have my own stable of characters! Interested in checking out the kiddos? Feel free to take a look at their profiles and drop me a line.